"', and, most of all, the sea,' a poignantly daring and intuitively eloquent poetry collection, marks the birth of a new writer, a viper who slices through skin and sinew, bites directly into the heart of the reader, and transfuses his golden poison there. Mr. Vytautaseneyevich, a young, queer, Russo-American poet of …

"'Child, Dearest,' is this year's definitive American poetry collection. The successor to the bestselling, critically-acclaimed collection ', and most of all, the sea,' 'Child, Dearest,' was written, compiled, and published in less than three weeks, a monumental testament to this author's true genius. Mr. …

"After nearly a year-long absence following his beloved debuts ', and, most of all, the sea,' and 'Child, Dearest,', internationally-bestselling and critically-adored poet Vytautaseneyevich returns to extraordinary form with his most staggeringly spellbinding collection yet, the transcendentally tremendous 'no, honey, …