image of Walker Percy

Walker Percy

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병속의 글월: 사람은 얼마나 야릇한가, 말은 또 얼마나 야릇한가, 그리고 사람은 말로 무엇을 해야 하는가는 기호학에 관한 와커 퍼시의 에세이 모음으로서 1975년에 나왔다. 퍼시는 현대의 결론이라고 여겨지는 것을 눈여겨 보면서 시들어가는 두 이데올로기 곧 사람마다에게 자유와 책임을 안겨주는 유대-기독교 윤리와 사람을 환경속의 한낱 유기체로 줄잡아 그 자유를 벗겨내는 합리주의 과학 및 행동주의와의 사이에 중도적인 토대를 마련하고자 …

... Unknown

The Last Gentleman is a 1966 novel by Walker Percy. The narrative centers on the character of Williston Bibb Barret, a man born in the Mississippi Delta who has moved to New York City, where he lives at a YMCA and works as a night janitor. Will suffers from a "nervous condition," which causes him to experience fits of …

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Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book is a mock self-help book and social satire on the American value of autonomy by Walker Percy. It was published in 1983 by Farrar Straus & Giroux. Organized into roughly four sections that explore ideas of the self, Percy's thesis is that the social ills which plague …

... Unknown

The Second Coming is a novel by Walker Percy. It is a sequel to The Last Gentleman. It tells the story of middle-aged Will Barrett and his relationship with Allison, a young woman who has escaped from a mental hospital. The book was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1980. The novel spends much of …

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Confined in the Institute for Aberrant Behavior, Lancelot Andrewes Lamar, scion of a distinguished Southern family and disenchanted liberal lawyer, tells a psychiatrist-priest of his efforts to prove his wife's infidelity and his decision to begin life an

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The Thanatos Syndrome was Walker Percy's last novel. It is a sequel to Love in the Ruins. It tells the story of a former psychiatrist who suspects that something or someone is making everyone in the town crazy and they turn to zombies. In 1989, Percy stated that, in The Thanatos Syndrome: "I tried to show how, while …