Ivanhoe ou Ivanhoé é um romance do escritor escocês Walter Scott, publicado em 1820. Narra a luta entre saxões e normandos e as intrigas de João sem Terra para destronar Ricardo Coração de Leão. É considerado o primeiro romance histórico do romantismo. A obra surgiu num momento em que se procurava exaltar o …

Rob Roy é um romance escrito por Sir Walter Scott sobre Frank Osbaldistone, o filho de um comerciante inglês que viaja às Terras altas da Escócia para coletar um débito roubado de seu pai. Rob Roy MacGregor, que dá título ao livro, aparece no romance várias vezes mas não é o personagem principal.

Waverley é um romance histórico escrito em 1814 por Sir Walter Scott. Inicialmente publicada anonimamente em 1814 como a primeira tentativa de Scott em ficção em prosa, Waverley é frequentemente considerada como sendo o primeiro romance histórico. O romance tornou-se tão popular que os livros posteriores de Scott …

The Heart of Midlothian is the seventh of Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley Novels. It was originally published in four volumes on 25 July 1818, under the title of Tales of My Landlord, 2nd series, and the author was given as "Jedediah Cleishbotham, Schoolmaster and Parish-clerk of Gandercleugh". Although the identity of …

The Bride of Lammermoor is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1819. The novel is set in the Lammermuir Hills of south-east Scotland, and tells of a tragic love affair between young Lucy Ashton and her family's enemy Edgar Ravenswood. Scott indicated the plot was based on an actual incident. The Bride …

Kenilworth. A Romance is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, first published on 8 January 1821.

The Talisman is a novel by Sir Walter Scott. It was published in 1825 as the second of his Tales of the Crusaders, the first being The Betrothed.

The Antiquary is a novel by Sir Walter Scott about several characters including an antiquary: an amateur historian, archaeologist and collector of items of dubious antiquity. Although he is the eponymous character, he is not necessarily the hero, as many of the characters around him undergo far more significant …

The Lady of the Lake is a narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1810. Set in the Trossachs region of Scotland, it is composed of six cantos, each of which concerns the action of a single day. The poem has three main plots: the contest among three men, Roderick Dhu, James Fitz-James, and Malcolm …

Guy Mannering or The Astrologer is a novel by Sir Walter Scott, published anonymously in 1815. According to an introduction that Scott wrote in 1829, he had originally intended to write a story of the supernatural, but changed his mind soon after starting. The book was a huge success, the first edition selling out on …