The saga of the legendary Courtney family continues in this fourteenth installment in Wilbur Smith’s bestselling series—the sequel to 2009’s Assegai—a thrilling tale of espionage, adventure, and danger, set in Africa and spanning from the Great War’s end to the dark days of World War II.As a member of the remarkable …
Wild Justice is an adventure novel by Wilbur Smith. It was partially set in The Seychelles where Smith had a home for a number of years. It was the third best selling book in England in 1980. The novel was published in the US as The Delta Decision.
The New York Times bestselling author of Desert God and Pharaoh adds another chapter to his popular historical saga featuring the seafaring Tom Courtney, the hero of Monsoon and Blue Horizon, with this magnificent swashbuckling saga set in the eighteenth century and packed with action, violence, romance, and rousing …