Řeka bohů je první díl ze série dobrodružných románů z prostředí starověkého Egypta napsaný v roce 1993 spisovatelem Wilburem Smithem.

The Seventh Scroll is a novel by author Wilbur Smith first published in 1995. It is part of the 'Egyptian' series of novels by Smith and follows the exploits of the adventurer Nicholas Quenton-Harper and Dr. Royan Al Simma. The tomb of Tanus which is the focus of the book refers to another novel by the author, River …

Warlock is a novel by author Wilbur Smith first published in 2001. It is part of a series of novels by Smith set to ancient Egypt and follows the fate of the Egyptian Kingdom through the eyes of Taita, a multi-talented and highly skilled eunuch slave.

Birds of Prey is a 1997 novel by Wilbur Smith set in the late 17th century. The novel was the first in the third sequence of the Courtney series of novels, and as of 2013 was chronologically the first in the entire series. Smith says the book established the characteristics of the family: "Right from Birds of Prey... …

The Quest is a novel by author Wilbur Smith first published in 2007. It is part of a series of novels by Smith set to Ancient Egypt and follows the fate of the Egyptian Kingdom through the eyes of Taita, a multi-talented and highly skilled eunuch slave.

Assegai is Wilbur Smith's thirty-second novel, it follows The Triumph of the Sun in which the author brought the Courtney and Ballantyne series together. Assegai tells the story of Leon Courtney and is set in 1906 in Kenya. The events in the story are linked to and precede the outbreak of World War One.

Posel slunce je dobrodružný román z afrického prostředí spisovatele Wilbura Smitha v originále vydaný v roce 1972. V témže roce označily New York Times tuto knihu za „zlatý důl vzrušení“. Kniha se dělí na dvě části obsažené v jednom svazku, z nichž jedna popisuje děj v současnosti a druhá minulost příběhu k dokonalému …