An Ice-Cream War is a darkly comic war novel by British author William Boyd, which was nominated for a Booker Prize in the year of its publication. The title is derived from a quote in a letter "Lt Col Stordy says that the war here will only last two months. It is far too hot for sustained fighting, he says, we will …
On the Yankee Station is a short story collection by William Boyd. His first novel, A Good Man in Africa was published in 1981; this collection was published later that same year, and includes two stories featuring Morgan Leafy, the anti-hero of the novel. The title comes from one of the stories which is set at Yankee …
Ordinary Thunderstorms is a novel by William Boyd. It explores the dark side of London's underworld and the international pharmaceutical industry.
It is 1939. Eva Delectorskaya is a beautiful 28-year-old Russian emigree living in Paris. As war breaks out she is recruited for the British Secret Service by Lucas Romer, a mysterious Englishman, and under his tutelage she learns to become the perfect spy, to mask her emotions and trust no one, including those she …