"Burning Chrome" is a short story, written by William Gibson and first published in Omni in July 1982. Gibson first read the story at a science fiction convention in Denver, Colorado in the autumn of 1981, to an audience of four people, among them Bruce Sterling. It was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1983 and …
Johnny Mnemonic is a short story by William Gibson and the inspiration behind the 1995 film of the same name. The short story first appeared in Omni magazine in May 1981, and was subsequently included in 1986's Burning Chrome, a collection of Gibson's short fiction. It takes place in the world of Gibson's cyberpunk …
A Neurománc William Gibson sci-fi regénye, a cyberpunk irodalom legismertebb darabja. A regény Gibson első regénye, amely először 1984-ben jelent meg. A Sprawl-trilógia első kötete. Magyar nyelven először 1992-ben jelent meg Ajkay Örkény fordításában, majd 2005-ben jelent meg átdolgozott és javított kiadása szintén az …
A Neurománc William Gibson sci-fi regénye, a cyberpunk irodalom legismertebb darabja. A regény Gibson első regénye, amely először 1984-ben jelent meg. A Sprawl-trilógia első kötete. Magyar nyelven először 1992-ben jelent meg Ajkay Örkény fordításában, majd 2005-ben jelent meg átdolgozott és javított kiadása szintén az …
Count Zero is a science fiction novel written by William Gibson, originally published 1986. It is the second volume of the Sprawl trilogy, which begins with Neuromancer and concludes with Mona Lisa Overdrive, and is a canonical example of the cyberpunk subgenre. Count Zero was serialized by Isaac Asimov's Science …
Mona Lisa Overdrive is a cyberpunk novel by William Gibson published in 1988 and the final novel of the Sprawl trilogy, following Neuromancer and Count Zero. It takes place eight years after the events of Count Zero and is set, as were its predecessors, in The Sprawl. The novel was nominated for the Nebula Award for …