Idoru is the second book in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Idoru is a science-fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, cyberpunk future. The main character, Colin Laney, has a talent for identifying nodal points, analogous to Gibson's own: Laney’s node-spotter function is some sort of metaphor for whatever it …

Graf Zero – powieść science fiction napisana przez Williama Gibsona, po raz pierwszy wydana w 1986 roku. Jest środkową częścią trylogii zawierającej również książki Neuromancer i Mona Liza Turbo, i tworzy wraz z nimi sztandarowy przykład podgatunku cyberpunk.

"Burning Chrome" is a short story, written by William Gibson and first published in Omni in July 1982. Gibson first read the story at a science fiction convention in Denver, Colorado in the autumn of 1981, to an audience of four people, among them Bruce Sterling. It was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1983 and …

All Tomorrow's Parties is the third and final novel in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Like its predecessors, All Tomorrow's Parties is a speculative fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, postcyberpunk future. The novel borrows its title from a song by Velvet Underground. It is written in the third person and …