Neuromancer, de William Gibson, é uma das mais famosas novelas Cyberpunk e ganhou os três principais prêmios da ficção científica: Nebula, Hugo e Philip K. Dick, após sua publicação em 1984, tendo sido publicado em 1991 no Brasil pela editora Aleph. Esse foi o primeiro livro de Gibson e o começo de uma trilogia. …

Pattern Recognition é um livro de ficção científica escrita por William Gibson em publicado em 2003. É o primeiro livro escrito por Gibson que se passa em época atual, entre agosto e setembro de 2002.

Count Zero O livro dá seqüência aos fatos ocorridos no livro de estréia de Gibson, numa aventura envolvendo guerras corporativas, novas tecnologias e um aspirante a hacker que entra completamente sem querer numa trama que também envolve inteligências artificiais, religiões e muita ação. "Count Zero" é o segundo dos …

Mona Lisa Overdrive is a cyberpunk novel by William Gibson published in 1988 and the final novel of the Sprawl trilogy, following Neuromancer and Count Zero. It takes place eight years after the events of Count Zero and is set, as were its predecessors, in The Sprawl. The novel was nominated for the Nebula Award for …

Idoru is the second book in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Idoru is a science-fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, cyberpunk future. The main character, Colin Laney, has a talent for identifying nodal points, analogous to Gibson's own: Laney’s node-spotter function is some sort of metaphor for whatever it …

"Burning Chrome" is a short story, written by William Gibson and first published in Omni in July 1982. Gibson first read the story at a science fiction convention in Denver, Colorado in the autumn of 1981, to an audience of four people, among them Bruce Sterling. It was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1983 and …

2005: Welcome to NoCal and SoCal, the uneasy sister-states of what used to be California. Here the millenium has come and gone, leaving in its wake only stunned survivors. In Los Angeles, Berry Rydell is a former armed-response rentacop now working for a bounty hunter. Chevette Washington is a bicycle messenger turned …

Spook Country is a 2007 novel by speculative fiction author William Gibson. A political thriller set in contemporary North America, it followed on from the author's previous novel, Pattern Recognition, and was succeeded in 2010 by Zero History, which featured much of the same core cast of characters. The plot …

All Tomorrow's Parties is the third and final novel in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Like its predecessors, All Tomorrow's Parties is a speculative fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, postcyberpunk future. The novel borrows its title from a song by Velvet Underground. It is written in the third person and …