Pattern Recognition je román-fikcia amerického spisovateľa Williama Gibsona. Na rozdiel od väčšiny jeho prác napísaných v žánri sci-fi a kyberpunku je toto dielo realistický príbeh, ktorý sa dotýka technologických hraníc prítomnosti v dobe jeho vznikania. Hlavná ženská postava Cayce prijme prácu v Japonsku, kde …

Spook Country is a 2007 novel by speculative fiction author William Gibson. A political thriller set in contemporary North America, it followed on from the author's previous novel, Pattern Recognition, and was succeeded in 2010 by Zero History, which featured much of the same core cast of characters. The plot …

2005: Welcome to NoCal and SoCal, the uneasy sister-states of what used to be California. Here the millenium has come and gone, leaving in its wake only stunned survivors. In Los Angeles, Berry Rydell is a former armed-response rentacop now working for a bounty hunter. Chevette Washington is a bicycle messenger turned …