Nahý oběd je román amerického spisovatele Williama S. Burroughse, který původně vyšel ve Francii v roce 1959. V Česku jej v roce 2003 vydalo v překladu Josefa Rauvolfa nakladatelství Maťa. V roce 1991 byl podle románu režisérem Davidem Cronenbergem natočen stejnojmenný film. Hlavní postavou knihy je uživatel a dealer …

Feťák je autobiografický román amerického spisovatele Williama S. Burroughse. Poprvé byl vydán v roce 1953 a je to vůbec první kniha, kterou Burroughs publikoval. Knihu Burroughs vydal pod pseudonymem William Lee. Příběh zobrazuje Burroughse a jeho závislost na alkoholu, heroin, morfiu a dalších drogách. Jedná se o …

Teplouš je román amerického spisovatele Williama Sewarda Burroughse. Napsán byl v letech 1951 až 1953, ale poprvé vydán byl až v roce 1985 nakladatelstvím Viking Press. V českém jazyce kniha poprvé vyšla v roce 1991 v překladu Josefa Rauvolfa. Jde o autobiografický román, volné pokračování autorova prvního románu …

Cities of the Red Night is a 1981 novel by American author William S. Burroughs, his first full-length novel since The Wild Boys. It is part of his final trilogy of novels, known as The Red Night Trilogy, followed by The Place of Dead Roads and The Western Lands. The plot involves a group of radical pirates who seek …

The Soft Machine is a novel by William S. Burroughs, first published in 1961, two years after his groundbreaking Naked Lunch, and heavily revised for editions published in 1966 and 1968. It was originally composed using the cut-up technique partly from manuscripts belonging to The Word Hoard. It is part of The Cut-Up …

The Western Lands is a 1987 novel by William S. Burroughs, the final book of the trilogy that begins with Cities of the Red Night and continues with The Place of Dead Roads. The title refers to the western bank of the Nile River, which in Egyptian mythology is the Land of the Dead. Inspired by the Egyptian Book of the …

The Place of Dead Roads is a 1983 novel by William S. Burroughs, the second book of the trilogy that begins with Cities of the Red Night and concludes with The Western Lands. It chronicles the story of a gay gunfighter in the American West, beginning with the gunfighter’s death in 1899, incorporates contrasting themes …

The Cat Inside is the title of an autobiographical novella written by William S. Burroughs and illustrated by Brion Gysin. The book was first published by Grenfell Press in 1986 in an edition of only 133 copies; it was later reissued by Viking Press in 1992 in a mass market hardcover edition. In the book Burroughs, a …