A Comédia Humana é um romance do escritor armeno-estadunidense William Saroyan. O livro foi publicado em 1942 e dedicado a sua mãe, Takoohi Saroyan. Retrata de maneira simples e cotidianas as experiências de Homero Macauley, 14 anos, na cidade de Ítaca. Pai falecido, mora com sua mãe Kate, seu irmão mais novo de 4 …

My Name is Aram is a book of short stories by William Saroyan first published in 1940. The stories detail the exploits of Aram Garoghlanian, a boy of Armenian descent growing up in Fresno, California, and the various members of his large family.

The Time of Your Life is a 1939 five-act play by American playwright William Saroyan. The play is the first drama to win both the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. The play opened 25 October 1939 at the Booth Theatre in New York City. It was produced by the Theatre Guild and with …