Henry VI, Part 3 is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1591, and set during the lifetime of King Henry VI of England. Whereas 1 Henry VI deals with the loss of England's French territories and the political machinations leading up to the Wars of the Roses, and 2 Henry VI focuses on …

Henry VI, Part 2 is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1591, and set during the lifetime of King Henry VI of England. Whereas 1 Henry VI deals primarily with the loss of England's French territories and the political machinations leading up to the Wars of the Roses, and 3 Henry VI …

Henry VI is a series of three history plays by William Shakespeare, set during the lifetime of King Henry VI of England. Henry VI, Part 1 deals with the loss of England's French territories and the political machinations leading up to the Wars of the Roses, as the English political system is torn apart by personal …

Enric V és un drama històric de William Shakespeare, que se suposa va ser escrit aproximadament cap al 1599. Narra la història del rei Enric V d'Anglaterra, centrant-se en els fets immediatament anteriors i posteriors a la batalla d'Agincourt durant la Guerra dels Cents Anys. Enric V és la darrera obra de la …

Henry IV, Part 2 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed written between 1596 and 1599. It is the third part of a tetralogy, preceded by Richard II and Henry IV, Part 1 and succeeded by Henry V. The play is often seen as an extension of aspects of Henry IV, Part 1, rather than a straightforward continuation …

Enric IV és una obra històrica de William Shakespeare dividida en dos parts, que al seu torn pertanyen a una tetralogia històrica coneguda com a Henriad que transcorre en els regnats dels reis anglesos que donen nom a cada drama: Ricard II, Enric IV i Enric V. L'obra, escrita aproximadament el 1597, ha estat …

Els dos gentilhomes de Verona és una comèdia de William Shakespeare, i una de les primeres obres que va escriure.