La scelta di Sophie è un romanzo dello scrittore statunitense William Styron, pubblicato in originale nel 1976, in Italia nel 1980 edito da Mondadori. Racconta la burrascosa relazione tra una donna di origine polacca sopravvissuta agli orrori di Auschwitz, dove ha perso tutto quello che aveva, e l'uomo di cui è …

Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness is U.S. writer William Styron's memoir about his descent into depression, and the triumph of recovery. First published in December 1989 in Vanity Fair, the book grew out of a lecture that Styron originally delivered at a symposium on affective disorders at the Department of …

The Confessions of Nat Turner is a 1967 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by U.S. writer William Styron. Presented as a first-person narrative by historical figure Nat Turner, the novel concerns the slave revolt in Virginia in 1831. It is based on The Confessions of Nat Turner: The Leader of the Late Insurrection in …

Un letto di tenebre è un romanzo scritto da William Styron pubblicato nel 1951, finalista al National Book Award.

Set This House on Fire is a novel by William Styron, set in a small village of the Amalfi coast in Italy, centred on the themes of evil and redemption. The narrator, Peter Leverett, is a lawyer from the South, but the story is primarily told through the recollections of its protagonist, a troubled artist named Cass …