A revolutionary look at how what we pay attention to determines how we experience life Acclaimed behavioral science writer Winifred Gallagher's Rapt makes the radical argument that much of the quality of your life depends not on fame or fortune, beauty or brains, fate or coincidence, but on what you choose to pay …

Speaking to Americans who are skeptical about religion, but nonetheless feel a spiritual hunger, Winifred Gallagher offers a humorous and profound discussion about the state of national spirituality. Before writing this book, Gallagher made her living reporting on behavioral sciences (The Power of Place). Relying upon …

Journalist Winifred Gallagher leads us on a worldwide tour as she profiles 11 men and women, each of whom she calls a "spiritual genius." We all know them--those fellow humans who act as guiding compasses, always pointing "us toward a reality larger than the ego and the status quo," explains Gallagher. Some of these …