Życie Pi – powieść Yanna Martela, po raz pierwszy wydana w 2001 roku. W 2002 roku powieść została wyróżniona Nagrodą Bookera. Zekranizowana została w roku 2012. Powieść opowiada o losach rozbitka Piscine „Pi” Patela i tygrysa Richarda Parkera, ocalałych z katastrofy statku i dryfujących przez 227 dni po wodach …

Beatrice and Virgil is Canadian writer Yann Martel's third novel. First published in April 2010, it contains an allegorical tale about representations of the Holocaust. It tells the story of Henry, a novelist, who receives the manuscript of a play in a letter from a reader. Intrigued, Henry traces the letter to a …

Historia rodziny Roccamatio The facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios By Yann Martel English This memorable debut, was hailed for its power and elegance on both sides of the Atlantic. Ranging from the last hours of a condemned man, to the imaginary life of an AIDS patient, to the first performance of a bizarre new …

Edgy, funny and devastating, Self is the fictional autobiography of a young writer at the heart of which is a startling twist. This extraordinary life meanders through a rich, complicated, bittersweet world. The discoveries of childhood give way to the thousand pangs of adolescence, culminating in the sudden shocking …

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * "Fifteen years after The Life of Pi, Yann Martel is taking us on another long journey. Fans of his Man Booker Prize-winning novel will recognize familiar themes from that seafaring phenomenon, but the itinerary in this imaginative new book is entirely fresh. . . . Martel's writing has never …