Set in Kabul under the rule of the Taliban, this extraordinary novel takes readers into the lives of two couples: Mohsen, who comes from a family of wealthy shopkeepers whom the Taliban has destroyed; Zunaira, his wife, exceedingly beautiful, who was once a brilliant teacher and is now no longer allowed to leave her …

From the bestselling author of The Swallows of Kabul comes this timely and haunting novel that powerfully illuminates the devastating human costs of terrorism.Dr. Amin Jaafari is an Arab-Israeli surgeon at a hospital in Tel Aviv. As an admired and respected member of his community, he has carved a space for himself …

'Darling, this is Younes. Yesterday he was my nephew, today he is our son'. Younes' life is changed forever when his poverty-stricken parents surrender him to the care of his more affluent uncle. Re-named Jonas, he grows up in a colourful colonial Algerian town, and forges a unique friendship with a group of boys, an …

Yasmina Khadra se démasque Depuis la parution, au début des 1997, de Morituri, Yasmina Khadra n'a cessé de susciter des interrogations en France, en Europe et dans le monde arabe. Dans son pays, notamment, la presse unanime a loué son authenticité de romancier et de témoin de la tragédie algérienne. Aujourd'hui, …

Elle était ce que Dieu, dans Son immense générosité, pouvait concevoir de mieux. Si j'étais parvenu à la mériter, j'aurais été le plus heureux des hommes. Niais le Diable la voulait pour lui tout seul. Depuis, mes jours me sont devenus étrangers et mes nuits des concubines ingénues. Enfermé dans sa solitude et hanté …