From the bestselling author of The Swallows of Kabul comes this timely and haunting novel that powerfully illuminates the devastating human costs of terrorism.Dr. Amin Jaafari is an Arab-Israeli surgeon at a hospital in Tel Aviv. As an admired and respected member of his community, he has carved a space for himself …
Set in Kabul under the rule of the Taliban, this extraordinary novel takes readers into the lives of two couples: Mohsen, who comes from a family of wealthy shopkeepers whom the Taliban has destroyed; Zunaira, his wife, exceedingly beautiful, who was once a brilliant teacher and is now no longer allowed to leave her …
Il mestiere di poliziotto è pericoloso a qualsiasi latitudine, ma ad Algeri diventa sfida con la morte perché anche i cadaveri sono imbottiti di esplosivo. Lo sa bene il commissario Llob, protagonista di una serie di noir ambientati nella capitale nordafricana: «Algeri è un malessere, vi si estirpano i sogni come …