image of Yasmina Reza

Yasmina Reza

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Kumšt je divadelní hra Yasminy Reza z roku 1994. Hra je pojata jako komedie vykreslující dlouholeté přátelství. Byla přeložena do několika desítek jazyků a získala několik prestižních ocenění.

... Unknown

God of Carnage is a play by Yasmina Reza. It is about two sets of parents, one of whose child has hurt the other at a public park, who meet to discuss the matter in a civilized manner. However, as the evening goes on, the parents become increasingly childish, resulting in the evening devolving into chaos. The play was …

... Unknown
... Unknown
... Unknown

The Unexpected Man is a play written in 1995 by Yasmina Reza. Reza is best known in the English speaking world as the author of 'Art'.

... Unknown