Sun and Steel: Art, Action and Ritual Death is a book by Yukio Mishima. It is an autobiographical essay, a memoir of the author's relationship to his body. The book recounts the author's experiences with, and reflections upon, his bodybuilding and martial arts training. The book was first published in 1968, gathering …

Acts of Worship is a 1965 short story collection by the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. The title story is the tale of a Professor's visit to three Kumano shrines, accompanied by his shy submissive middle-aged housekeeper, and his reasons for doing so. The collection was translated into English by John Bester.

Thirst for Love is a 1950 novel by the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. The word "kawaki" literally means thirst, but has a sense of parched dryness associated with it. The title of the movie version has also been translated as Longing for Love. Thirst for Love is Mishima's third novel, following the immensely …

Recognized throughout the world for his brilliance as a novelist and playwright, Yukio Mishima is also noted as a master of the short story in his native Japan, where the form is practiced as a major art. Nine of Yukio Mishima’s finest stories were selected by Mishima himself for translation in this book; they …

天人五衰,是三岛由纪夫长篇巨著《丰饶之海》四部曲的最后一部,是他切腹自杀当天,早上才完成的巨著。 所谓的天人五衰,原是佛家语,意指天寿将尽时,所出现的诸多衰相,例如衣裳垢腻,头上花萎,身体臭秽、腋下汗出、不乐本座。 …