Civilization and Its Discontents is a book by Sigmund Freud. Written in 1929, and first published in German in 1930 as Das Unbehagen in der Kultur. It is considered one of Freud's most important and widely read works.
Interpretarea viselor este o carte apărută la 4 noiembrie 1899 și avându-l ca autor pe celebrul psihanalist Sigmund Freud. După opinia criticului Martin Seymour-Smith, lucrarea se află în lista celor mai influente 100 cărți din istoria omenirii, iar după opinia publicației The Guardian, este una din primele zece cărți …
Introduction to Psychoanalysis or Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis is a set of lectures given by Sigmund Freud 1915-17, which became the most popular and widely translated of his works. The 28 lectures offered an elementary stock-taking of his views of the unconscious, dreams, and the theory of neuroses at the …
The Future of an Illusion is a 1927 book by Sigmund Freud, describing his interpretation of religion's origins, development, psychoanalysis, and its future. Freud viewed religion as a false belief system.
Totem and Taboo: Resemblances Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics is a 1913 book by Sigmund Freud. It is a collection of four essays first published in the journal Imago: "The Horror of Incest", "Taboo and Emotional Ambivalence", "Animism, Magic and the Omnipotence of Thoughts", and "The Return of …
Psychopathology of Everyday Life is a 1901 work by Sigmund Freud, based on his researches into slips and parapraxes from 1897 onwards, - one which became perhaps the best-known of all his writings. Jacques Lacan considered it one of the three key texts for an understanding of the unconscious, alongside The …
This volume contains all of Freud's major writings on sexuality. It begins with his revolutionary "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality" (1905). It also includes shorter papers on normal and abnormal sexuality, illustrated by numerous examples provided by Freud's own patients. These writings follow the full range …
The Ego and the Id is a prominent paper by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. It is an analytical study of the human psyche outlining his theories of the psychodynamics of the id, ego and super-ego, which is of fundamental importance in the development of psychoanalysis. The study was conducted over years of meticulous …