image of Zoë Heller

Zoë Heller

... Unknown

"Ühe skandaali märkmed" on Zoë Helleri 2003. aastal ilmunud romaan, mis räägib noore ning kauni keraamikaõpetaja Sheba Harti ja tema õpilase Steve Connolly keelatud armastusest. Raamat jõudis 2003. aasta Bookeri kirjanduspreemia ja Briti Raamatuauhinna lõppvalikusse ning kandideeris Orange Prize'ile. Eesti keeles …

... Unknown

The Believers is a novel by Zoë Heller first published in 2008. It depicts a left-wing New York family of grown-ups who have little in common. The patriarch suffers an unexpected stroke and falls into a coma, after which each family member tries to continue his own unconventional course in life while at the same time …

... Unknown

Willy Muller has survived imprisonment for murdering his wife, the suicide of his daughter Sadie and, most recently, a heart attack. While recuperating he finds himself drawn into the lonely world of her diaries and is reluctantly forced to confront the troubling secrets that lie buried in his past.