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Displaying 1-20 of 50 results.
The pirate queen : in search of Grace O'Malley and other legendary women of the sea
Barbara Sjoholm
Women of the sea
Edward Rowe Snow
Over the wide and trackless sea : the pioneer women and girls of New Zealand
Megan Hutching
The Safe Sea of Women: Lesbian Fiction 1969-1989
Bonnie Zimmerman
The women who danced by the sea : finding ourselves in the stories of our biblical foremothers
Marsha Pravder Mirkin
Women at Sea in the Age of Sail
Donal Baird
Sailor-women, sea-women, SWANS: A history of the South African Women's Auxiliary Naval Service, 1943-1949
Margaret Patricia Henwood Laver
Beyond the Call of Duty: The Loss of British Commonwealth Mercantile and Service Women at Sea During the Second World War
Brian James Crabb
Women Of The Inner Sea
Thomas Keneally
The Island of Sea Women
Lisa See
Heroines and Harlots: Women at Sea in the Great Age of Sail
David Cordingly
The Wind Off the Sea: A Novel of the Women Who Prevailed After WWII
Charlotte Bingham
Sea and the Earth: The Life of Rachel Carson (women of America series)
Philip Sterling
Albatross : the true story of a woman's survival at sea
Deborah Scaling Kiley
Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Pope John Paul II
the Discovery Of Jeanne Baret: a Story Of Science, the High Seas, and the First Woman To Circumnavigate the Globe
Glynis Ridley
On the Dignity and Vocation of Women: Mulieris Dignitatem (Publication)
Pope John Paul II
The Woman Who Walked into the Sea: Huntington's and the Making of a Genetic Disease
Alice Wexler
Theotokos - Woman, Mother, Disciple: A Catechesis on Mary, Mother of God (Year of the Rosary)
Pope John Paul II
Red velvet seat : women's writings on the first fifty years of cinema
Antonia Lant
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