Les X-Wings
Star Wars: X-wing is a ten-book series of Star Wars novels by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston. Stackpole's contributions cover the adventures of a new Rogue Squadron formed by Wedge Antilles, while Allston's focus on Wraith Squadron, another creation of Antilles'. The first seven novels take place 6.5-7.5 years ABY. Isard's Revenge takes place 9 years ABY, and Starfighters of Adumar takes place 12–13 years ABY. The novels were reportedly inspired by the Star Wars: X-Wing series of space simulation combat video games.While the first eight books are largely continuous, the first four form a complete story arc, and the next three form another complete arc. Isard's Revenge mostly refers back to characters and situations created in Stackpole's first four novels. Starfighters of Adumar focuses on a few major characters. Like the other eight novels, it details the adventures of pilots in an X-wing squadron, but it is often considered to be a book of its own that shares little resemblance or continuity with the rest of the series.
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