Robert Frost: Selected Poems

Novel by Truman Capote


In koelen bloede, Een waargebeurd verhaal van een meervoudige moord en zijn consequenties, is een boek uit 1966 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Truman Capote. In de moderne literatuur was dit boek de eerste non-fictieroman. Capote baseerde zich op waargebeurde feiten en vertelt het verhaal van de Clutters uit Holcomb. Herbert William Clutter, een rijke boer en zijn gezin, bestaande uit zijn vrouw Bonnie, hun 16-jarige dochter Nancy en hun 15-jarige zoon Kenyon werden in 1959 op gruwelijke wijze vermoord.
Capote kwam de viervoudige moord op het spoor door een artikel in The New York Times. Hij besloot naar Kansas af te reizen om daar, nog voordat de daders Richard "Dick" Hickock en Perry Smith gepakt werden, over de moorden te schrijven. Capote reisde samen met zijn jeugdvriendin Harper Lee. Samen interviewden zij lokale bewoners en de recherche. Capote en Lee maakten duizenden pagina's aantekeningen en Capote was vele jaren bezig om het boek te schrijven. Het boek werd eerst in vier delen gepubliceerd in The New Yorker. In januari 1966 werd het boek als één geheel uitgegeven. Er werden over het verhaal theaterproducties gemaakt en het boek werd verfilmd.

First Published


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A true story that really draws you in like a novel.

0 Responses posted in February


This was my first time reading Capote as well as my introduction to original narrative journalism, and I was blown away. It's easy to see why this book was a sensation in the '60s. The content is amazing—Capote clearly spent immense amounts of time researching the case and conducting interviews—as is the writing itself: vivid, detailed, carefully once intimate and removed. The organization of the book is smart, too: first painting a picture of the principals (the Clutter family, the town of Holcomb, Perry and Hickock), recounting the crime, and describing its effects on the survivors; then covering the progress of the investigation and trial. This much I would have expected. What surprised and impressed was the third section, which included research on sociopathology and psychopathology, legal precedents therefor, and other killers like Perry and Hickock. This contextual research lifted me out of the Clutter case and helped me think about the crime in a more holistic way. This is really the only kind of denouement that can resolve the horror and suspense and confusion stirred up by this story. In Cold Blood is not quite fiction and not quite nonfiction (Capote called it a "nonfiction novel"), and it's important to note that there's controversy over whether the work is completely true, as Capote claimed. There's also debate over how much ethical responsibility Capote carried as a journalist and whether he exploited Hickock and Perry by not doing more to save them from execution. It's a lot to think about. In short, I'd recommend In Cold Blood to anyone who likes true crime thrillers and powerful, dense writing. The Modern Library edition has an introduction by Bob Colacello that sketches Capote's career, the advent of narrative journalism, and the work's reception in the '60s—helpful background for the uninitiated such as myself.

0 Responses posted in January


The attention to detail and obvious effort in researching the background of this story is very apparent within the first few pages. Capote has a very dry/factual way of writing here, and given the subject material, gives a very chilling mood to the entire book. I enjoyed how the viewpoints of the two killers was shown without much obvious bias. It somehow humanizes them, and while you never really can sympathize with or forgive them for what they did, you can almost understand how a human being in their shoes could end up doing what they did. By the end of the book you don't see these people as monsters, but simply flawed humans like you or me. My only gripes is the book did tend to drag at points, and was rather slow to start, but I feel like that was simply due to the nature of this book. The attention to detail was required throughout the book, not simply where it was convenient. By the time I had gotten to the second half it was a page turner that I had difficulty putting down.

0 Responses posted in December
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