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The Spook's Mistake is the fifth book in the Wardstone Chronicles children's fantasy series by Joseph Delaney. In the U.S. it has been titled: The Last Apprentice: Wrath of the Bloodeye. It was first published in 2008.«Plot Summary» Tom and Alice are annoyed that the Spook will not allow them to leave the house for fear that the Fiend will get them. While the Spook is away, Tom goes to the village alone to get the groceries, ignoring Alice's protests. On the way back, he is captured by a press-gang, a group of men who force boys into the King's army. While tied up one night, Tom senses the presence of a dark force which takes the form of a malevolent witch, scaring the men away.
It is only when the witch comes close to him that Tom realizes that it is Alice using a type of magic called Dread. Keeping this a secret from the Spook, they tell him that Alice got the men to chase her allowing Tom to escape. The Spook decides to send Tom to another Spook who was once another apprentice of his, Bill Arkwright, for further training.
Soon they are on the way to Caster, where Tom is collected by a ferryman and brought to the boundary of Bill's home.
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