Anne fra Bjørkely er roman av den canadiske forfatteren Lucy Maud Montgomery. Den ble publisert første gang i 1908 i Canada. Boken var tiltenkt lesere i alle aldersgrupper, men har siden hovedsakelig blitt ansett som en barnebok. Boken var den første av en serie på åtte bøker om Anne.Foreldreløse 11-årige Anne blir ved en feiltakelse sendt fra barnehjemmet til søsknene Marilla og Matthew Cuthbert på gården Bjørkely i den oppdiktede småbyen Avonlea i den canadiske provisen Prince Edward Island. Cuthbert-familien hadde bedt om en gutt som kunne hjelpe til med arbeidet på gården. Anne opplever mange eventyr på gården og boken følger henne fram til hun er 16 år.
Romanserien følger Anne gjennom oppveksten, utdanning til lærer, ekteskap og samliv.
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gentil mais très simple .
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In a lifetime full of being able to reread books over and over again, Anne of Green Gables is high on my list of "books I can reread at any time." It's one of the most delicious books I've ever come across, for the writing, the atmosphere, the characters and the scenery. Anne is a loveable girl, but there are so many other characters that capture your heart that it's impossible to pick a favorite. There's Matthew, Mrs. Lynde, Marilla, Aunt Josephine... actually the weakest characters are Anne's childhood companions. I found them all rather typical and undistinguished, whereas the adult personalities fairly leap off the page with their vivid and well-written personalities. Josie Pye was actually the best of the bunch for the children. The only other weakness is the big dose of religion, which is hardly surprising considering it was published in 1908 by a woman who was engaged to a minister. It does at least try and lighten the severe religion of the adults with the dreamy, imaginative version Anne has in her own head, but it is fairly heavy-handed at times - such as when a teacher tells her children that by age 20 their characters will be fixed and pretty much implies that there's no hope of changing thereafter - what a thing to tell a child! Anyway, those weaknesses really are completely incapable of spoiling the book. It is charming, it is beautiful, and it is a wonderful book to curl up with at any time of year and revisit as with an old and faithful friend.
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