Pour en finir avec Dieu

non-fiction by Richard Dawkins


Illusionen om Gud är en bok av den brittiske biologen Richard Dawkins, utgiven år 2006 och den svenska utgåvan gavs ut år 2007. Boken granskar religioner i allmänhet - men med en tonvikt på kristendomen - främst ur en naturvetenskaplig synvinkel, dels på ett metafysisktt och filosofiskt plan, men även religionen som social rörelse och moralisk förebild. I november 2007 hade den engelska versionen, The God Delusion, sålts i över 1,5 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 31 språk. Boken har kritiserats ur både naturvetenskaplig, filosofisk och teologisk synvinkel och därvid gett upphov till ett antal böcker av författare med motsatta åsikter, till exempel The Dawkins Delusion av Alister McGrath och Svar på den nya ateismen. Nedmontering av Dawkins argument mot Gud av Scott Hahn och Benjamin Wiker.

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The only chapter I read was when he tried to disprove Thomas Aquinas' Five Proofs for God, and at first I thought there were some good points, but there were still issues that I found unconvincing, such as ruling out the perfect moral source based on variations of right and wrong should also mean there is a perfect smell because of variations of smell, since we tolerate bad smells, like a man passing gas on a plane or some sort of chemical leak, but we don't tolerate shoplifting or rape. Later I read a critique of this chapter by a man who specialized in the Summa Theologica, and it seems that Dawkins didn't do his homework. It would be as if I looked at an argument from On the Origin of Species, wrote a critique of it and said "therefore this disproves evolution." Oh, I have a hunch that I'd face a great deal of criticism from everyone in the biology field if I did that. So why is it that Dawkins can do the same in regards to philosophy and theology? As my brother described him: Good biologist, dick of a human being.

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