Блудни син
In what is widely hailed as the best of his many novels, Charles Bukowski details the long, lonely years of his own hardscrabble youth in the raw voice of alter ego Henry Chinaski. From a harrowingly cheerless childhood in Germany through acne-riddled high school years and his adolescent discoveries of alcohol, woman, and the Los Angeles Public Library's collection of D.H. Lawrence, Ham on Rye offers a crude, brutal, and savagely funny portrait of an outcast's coming-of-age during the desperate days of the Great Depression.
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Livro importantíssimo na sua época, porém um pouco datado hoje em dia. Nenhuma inovação estética e soa como um velho tarado.
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Bukowski war schon ein freakiger Typ. Das ist nun schon das zweite Buch, welches ich beim Lesen durchaus etwas abstoßend finde, mit gewissem zeitlichen Abstand dann aber doch zu schätzen weiß. Mein Freund wäre er in seiner Jugend sicher nicht gewesen, obschon vllt. eine Art Vorbild im Umgang mit dem 'Ernst des Lebens'.
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