Asharas Rückkehr. Ein Roman aus dem großen Darkover- Zyklus.
Exile’s Song is a science fiction novel by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Adrienne Martine-Barnes in her Darkover series. It was first published by in hardcover by DAW Books in 1996. The book takes place during the era of Darkover's history known as the second age post-Comyn and after the coming of the Terrans.The book is part of a trilogy within the series comprising Exile's Song, The Shadow Matrix, and Traitor's Sun. The book takes place fifteen years before Traitor's Sun.
Exile's Song represents a dramatic alteration of Bradley's view of the masculine/feminine, technological/ecological, Terran/Darkover dichotomies that she has explored throughout the Darkover series. In her earliest Darkover writing, she portrayed the planet's semi-feudal culture as played-out and in need of saving by the technologically superior Terrans. In the middle period, the books display a growing ambivalence to both views But in Exile's Song, Bradley reverses direction exclusively in favor of the feminine/ecological/Darkover view, describing the Terran Federation as played-out. This makes Exile's Song a pivotal book in the development of the series.
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