Aus Kindern werden Leute. Großdruck (Edition Richarz. Bücher in Großdruck)

by Frank B. Gilbreth


Belles on Their Toes is a 1950 book written by Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey. This book was the follow-up to the 1948 book Cheaper by the Dozen which covered the period before Frank Gilbreth Sr died. The title is an allusion to the nursery rhyme Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross.
Belles on Their Toes was written about the family after the death of Frank Bunker Gilbreth, and how they survived as their mother, Lillian Moller Gilbreth, continued the pioneering work in industrial engineering, time and motion studies and psychology she had shared with her husband. This book is also the first time where the absence of the second oldest child, Mary Gilbreth, is explained; she died of diphtheria in 1912 at age five.

First Published


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