Bambi, la vita di un capriolo
Bambi, a Life in the Woods, originally published in Austria as Bambi. Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde is a 1923 Austrian novel written by Felix Salten and published by Ullstein Verlag. The novel traces the life of Bambi, a male roe deer, from his birth through childhood, the loss of his mother, the finding of a mate, the lessons he learns from his father and experience about the dangers posed by human hunters in the forest. An English translation by Whittaker Chambers was published in North America by Simon & Schuster in 1928, and the novel has since been translated and published in over 20 languages around the world. Salten released a sequel, Bambis Kinder, eine Familie im Walde, in 1939.The novel was well received by critics and is considered a classic, as well as one of the first environmental novels ever published. It was adapted into a theatrical animated film, Bambi, by Walt Disney Productions in 1942, two Russian live-action adaptations in 1985 and 1986, and a stage production in 1998. A ballet adaptation was written by an Oregon troupe, but never released.
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Meiner Meinung nach, ein völlig zu Unrecht als Kinderbuch tituliertes Werk, dass im Gegensatz zur kitschigen Disney-Verfilmung wesentlich tiefsinniger die Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde erzählt. Eine sehr schöne, lesenswerte und kurzweilige Geschichte.
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