Der Baum der Schwerter und Juwelen

by Carolyn J. (Carolyn Janice) Cherryh


The Tree of Swords and Jewels is a 1983 fantasy novel by American science fiction and fantasy author C. J. Cherryh. It is the second of two novels in Cherryh's Ealdwood Stories series, the first being The Dreamstone. The series draws on Celtic mythology and is about Ealdwood, a forest at the edge of Faery, and Arafel, a Daoine Sidhe.
The Tree of Swords and Jewels was first published in 1983 as a paperback edition by DAW Books, and featured cover art by Michael Whelan. The Dreamstone and The Tree of Swords and Jewels were later republished in three omnibuses:
Arafel's Saga
Ealdwood – includes revisions and a new ending
The Dreaming Tree – includes the revisions and new ending of Ealdwood

First Published


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