Der Feind. ( Ab 13 J.).
The Machine Gunners is a children's historical novel by Robert Westall, published by Macmillan in 1975. Set in northeastern England shortly after the Battle of Britain, it features children who find a crashed German aircraft with a machine gun and ammunition; they build a fortress, participate in the war, and capture and imprison a German gunner. The author also wrote a play based on the book, and others have adapted it for television and radio. Fathom Five is a sequel set in 1943.Westall won the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising the year's outstanding children's book by a British subject, and Machine Gunners was named one of the top ten Medal-winning works for the 70th anniversary celebration in 2007, selected by a panel to compose the ballot for a public election of the all-time favourite.
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