Die Zeit der Hundert Königreiche : ein Darkover-Roman

Fantasy by Marion Zimmer Bradley


Two To Conquer is a fantasy science fiction novel written by Marion Zimmer Bradley as part of the Darkover series set at the end of Ages of Chaos, in the period of Darkover's history known as the Hundred Kingdoms. The book's introduction places it two hundred years after the events in the book entitled Stormqueen!. at the end of the Ages of Chaos, and the start of the Hundred Kingdoms.
The book includes several key events in the Darkover chronology, including the creation of The Compact by Varzil the Good, the destruction of Hali Tower, and the beginnings of merger between the priestesses of Avarra and the warriors of the Sisterhood of the Sword. The events of this book overlap with Book VI of Zandru's Forge.

First Published


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