Die schwarze Flamme
The Black Flame is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Stanley G. Weinbaum, originally published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1948.After his death, Weinbaum became "science fiction's first cult author"; "Dawn of Flame" appeared as the title piece of a 1936 memorial story collection, while "The Black Flame" was the lead feature in the January 1939 debut issue of Startling Stories. The book is a fix-up, based on two previously unpublished stories—"Dawn of Flame" and "The Black Flame"—which Weinbaum marketed, but was unable to sell, before his death.
It was reissued in paperback by Harlequin Books in 1953, followed by an Avon Books edition in 1970. French translations were published in 1956 and 1972. In 1995, Tachyon Publications issued a substantially longer "restored edition" from carbons of Weinbaum's original manuscript, found in a trunk of Weinbaum's papers held by his grandson.
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