Dunkler Engel

Novel, Fantasy by Lizz Weis, Margaret Weis


Once a dedicated soldier of the Knights Templar, Derek de Molay was betrayed and killed. So instead of an eternity in Heaven, he has decided to battle the Dark Angels of Hell. But as the war between good and evil rages, he is summoned back to the mortal realm to protect a woman standing too close to the edge of darkness.

Rachel Duncan has never felt this way before. A mysterious man is intent on seducing her with expensive gifts and trips on his private plane, yet it is Derek, a breathtaking stranger, who tugs at her heart. With him, there is laughter, light . . . and love. But Derek tells an impossible, insane story, though deep in her heart she knows it to be true. Now Derek and Rachel must race against time to save the mortal souls of mankind . . . and each other.

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