Eu, robotul

Science Fiction by Isaac Asimov


In this collection, one of the great classics of science fiction, Asimov set out the principles of robot behavior that we know as the Three Laws of Robotics. Here are stories of robots gone mad, mind-reading robots, robots with a sense of humor, robot politicians, and robots who secretly run the world, all told with Asimov's trademark dramatic blend of science fact and science fiction.

First Published


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Auch wenn die einzelnen Geschichten ja ganz interessant sind, sie scheinen doch oft ziehlich weit her geholt. Auch der lockere Schreibstil war nicht so ganz meins. Dennoch ganz witzig zu lesen, wie man sich vor 70 Jahren unsere heutige Welt vorgestellt hat.

0 Responses posted in July


Comienza con un exelente ritmo, la primera historia, Robie, mi favorita.

0 Responses posted in November


Inspiring for those who likes technology or nice stories.

0 Responses posted in January
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