Extrem de tare și incredibil de aproape
Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history.Nine-year-old Oskar Schell has embarked on an urgent, secret mission that will take him through the five boroughs of New York. His goal is to find the lock that matches a mysterious key that belonged to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11. This seemingly impossible task will bring Oskar into contact with survivors of all sorts on an exhilarating, affecting, often hilarious, and ultimately healing journey.
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Mir war das ein bisschen zu viel an Emotionen. Ich kann an der Traurigkeit anderer Leute nicht so viel positives sehen.
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Good and extremely emotional rollercoaster throughout the book. The deeper you delve into it, the more you'll find yourself connected with the story and be able to empathize with the main character. It is a great emotional rollercoaster of a ride throughout the book and when I was finished with it, it left me sort of empty and throughout the book the author subtly keeps on striking on those emotional chords. Overall, I loved reading it.
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