Fragt mal Alice

by Anonymous


Celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the acclaimed, bestselling first-person account of a teen girl’s harrowing descent into drug addiction—as heart-wrenching, shocking, and timely as ever, this cautionary tale now has a brand-new cover. January 24th After you’ve had it, there isn’t even life without drugs… It started when she was served a drink laced with LSD in a dangerous party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home and loving family to the streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth—and ultimately her life. Read her diary. Enter her world. You will never forget her.

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*Warning, may contain a spoiler to some interested readers.* I discovered this book lying around my english teacher's classroom and figured I'd give it a try. The book is written as a diary of a young girl, following her as she continuously spirals into a self-destructive lifestyle. Half way through the book I became annoyed, partly with the main characters choices and also with the perception I had with the book's intent. The young lady in the book begins experimenting with drugs, then it drastically escalates to rape, prostitution, etc. in a short span of time. I can't help but think of how unrealistic, or infinitesimal these cases are among youth - yet the author blows the idea out of proportion to the point that it is trying to convince the reader that curious teenagers will ultimately end up abandoning their homes to live a life of trading sexual favors for drugs. I feel the book could of been better had in a few ways. Namely by slowly introducing temptation, rather than having the young girl hastily diving into everything that would lead to her downfall.

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