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Such an interesting book, very imaginative! My favourite part of this book is the ' book of story begginnings.' Whatever you write in it the story will come to life, but you wouldn't know what happens in the middle or end because you can only write the begginning. I would love to have a book like that, changing peoples lives, making them worse or better or writing an adventure for myself to experience.
Kristin Kladstrup

Dear Dumb Diary Series Complete Set of Books 1-12 (Dear Dumb Diary Series, Includes: Let's Pretend This Never Happened; My Pants Are Haunted!; Am I the Princess or the Frog?; Never Do Anything, Ever; Can Adults Become Human?; The Problem With Here Is That It's Where I'm From; Never Underestimate Your Dumbness; It's Not My Fault I Know Everything; That's What Friends Are For; and The Worst Things in Life Are Also Free; Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers; and Me! (Just Like You, Only Better))

The whole .xii. bookes of the Æneidos of Virgill. Whereof the first .ix. and part of the tenth, were conuerted into English meeter by Thomas Phaër Esquire, and the residue supplied, and the whole worke together newly set forth, by Thomas Twyne, Gentleman. There is added moreouer to this edition, Virgils life out of Donatus, and the argument before euery booke