La Planète des dinosaures

Science Fiction, Novel by Anne McCaffrey


Dinosaur Planet is a science fiction novel by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. It was a paperback original published in 1978, by Orbit Books and then by Del Rey Books, the fantasy & science fiction imprints of Futura Publications and Ballantine Books respectively.
A sequel followed in 1984, titled The Survivors, or Dinosaur Planet Survivors in the US. Jointly they are sometimes called the "Dinosaur Planet series" or sub-series. They are set on a fictional planet named "Ireta" that some characters call the "dinosaur planet". They became the first two books of the "Ireta series" in 1990, when McCaffrey collaborated with Elizabeth Moon and Jody Lynn Nye to write three "Planet Pirates" novels with the same setting.

First Published


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