Les Buddenbrook
Buddenbrooks, first published in Germany in 1900, when Mann was only twenty-five, has become a classic of modem literature -- the story of four generations of a wealthy bourgeois family in northern Germany. With consummate skill, Mann draws a rounded picture of middle-class life: births and christenings; marriages, divorces, and deaths; successes and failures. These commonplace occurrences, intrinsically the same, vary slightly as they recur in each succeeding generation. Yet as the Buddenbrooks family eventually succumbs to the seductions of modernity -- seductions that are at variance with its own traditions -- its downfall becomes certain.In immensity of scope, richness of detail, and fullness of humanity, Buddenbrooks surpasses all other modem family chronicles; it has, indeed, proved a model for most of them. Judged as the greatest of Mann's novels by some critics, it is ranked as among the greatest by all. Thomas Mann was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929.
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Die Szenen, in denen Mann die Liebe des kleinen Hanno zum Klavierspiel beschreibt oder verschiedene `historische' Beschreibungen (Strebende Mutter, Weihnachtsfeier, Schule, ...) sind sehr gut gelungen. Auch sind die Personen sehr plastisch und realistisch und die leicht ironische Erzaehlweise laesst tief in sie blicken, sodass der Leser die Personen besser versteht, als sie sich selbst. Leider sind zwischen den vielen guten Szenen aber auch lange, belanglose Passagen, die das Buch in die Laenge ziehen. Literaturnobelpreisverdaechtig ist es nur in seinem historischen Kontext.
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