Licht auf Dunkelmänner

Speculative fiction by Robert B. Parker


A Savage Place is the 8th Spenser novel by Robert B. Parker.
The title is from the Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem "Kubla Khan." The book's epigraph is an excerpt from the poem, from "And there were gardens" to "A savage place! as holy and enchanted / As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted / By woman wailing for her demon lover!"
The story follows Boston based PI Spenser, who acts as a bodyguard for television reporter Candy Sloan in Los Angeles as she investigates a corrupt movie studio. They travel to various locations around the city and Spenser makes repeated reference to forgotten Hollywood figures such as Dale Evans, Mala Powers, Tom Conway, Nina Foch, and Rudd Weatherwax to Sloan's incomprehension. They sleep together once, but not later, because Spenser felt the first time was not a betrayal of his love Susan Silvermann but the later times would be. Near the end of the novel, Sloan is shot and killed, a death that haunts Spenser in later novels. Spenser holds her killers hostage and forces an on-camera confession from the businessman involved.

First Published


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