Los hijos del Capitan Grant
Science Fiction, Novel by Jules Verne
In Search of the Castaways is a novel by the French writer Jules Verne, published in 1867–1868. The original edition, published by Hetzel, contains a number of illustrations by Édouard Riou. In 1876 it was republished by George Routledge & Sons as a three volume set titled "A Voyage Round The World". The three volumes were subtitled "South America", "Australia", and "New Zealand".
First Published
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Ich vergaß: unbedingt die ungekürzte Ausgabe kaufen.
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Eine fantastische , ja geradezu atemlose Reise um die ganze Welt. Spannend. Genau das Richtige für Rätsel-und Geographieliebende.
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