Mellan himmel och helvete

Fantasy by Eoin Colfer


From the author of the international bestseller ARTEMIS FOWL comes an unforgettable novel about a girl and a choice - between the ultimate good and an eternal evil....

Meg Finn is in a tough spot. Really tough. For her last act on Earth, she committed a crime - and lost her life as a result. Now Meg's spirit is stuck in limbo, due to a dead-even tally of good and evil deeds. Meg's only chance at salvation is to return to Earth and stack on a few more good deeds - namely, helping the old man whose apartment she was robbing during her last appearance. For better or worse, that man needs a lot of help. In fact, he has a whole list of wishes he wants to fill before he dies. And it's up to Meg to make those wishes come true - before her own time is up....

First Published


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