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Displaying 1-20 of 100 results.
The Reformation: A History
Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants
Hans J. Hillerbrand
The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants
Hans J. Hillerbran
The Story of Civilization 06: The Reformation (A History of European Civilization from Wyclif to Calvin, 1300-1564)
Will Durant
The Reformation: A History (Modern Library Chronicles)
Patrick Collinson
Great Ages of Man: The Reformation: A History of the World's Cultures, Time Life Books
Time-Life Books
The Renaissance and the Reformation: a textbook of European history 1491-1610
Emmeline M Tanner
The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma, 1300-1700)
Jaroslav Pelikan
A history of Christianity - Reformation to the Present - revised edition, v.2
Kenneth S. Latourette
A History of Christian Thought: Volume 2: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation (Revised Edition)
Justo L. Gonzalez
A Cultural History of the Modern Age: Volume I: Renaissance and Reformation
Friedell Egon
A History of Christianity: From the Beginnings to the Threshold of the Reformation (History of Christianity) (Volume 2)
Kurt Aland
MARY, A HISTORY OF DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION, VOL. I: From the Beginnings to the Eve of the Reformation.
Hilda Graef
A Popular History of the Reformation
Philip Hughes
A Companion to Scottish History: From the Reformation to the Present
Ian Donnachie
Forerunners of the Reformation: The Shape of Late Medieval Thought (Library of Ecclesiastical History)
Heiko Oberman
A History of the Reformation Vol. I
Thomas Martin Lindsay
German Idea of Freedom: History of a Political Tradition from the Reformation to 1871
Leonard Krieger
History of the Reformation; a conciliatory assessment of opposite views
John P. Dolan
Christendom: A Short History of Christianity and Its Impact on Western Civilization, Volume I: From the Birth of Christ to the Reformation
Roland Bainton
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