Vision ciega

Science Fiction by Peter Watts


It's been two months since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming as they burned. The heavens have been silent since - until a derelict space probe hears whispers from a distant comet. Something talks out there: but not to us. Who to send to meet the alien, when the alien doesn't want to meet? Send a linguist with multiple-personality disorder, and a biologist so spliced to machinery he can't feel his own flesh. Send a pacifist warrior, and a vampire recalled from the grave by the voodoo of paleogenetics. Send a man with half his mind gone since childhood. Send them to the edge of the solar system, praying you can trust such freaks and monsters with the fate of a world. You fear they may be more alien than the thing they've been sent to find - but you'd give anything for that to be true, if you knew what was waiting for them.

First Published


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Eines meiner Lieblings science fictions, zum Großteil weil es in die menschliche Psyche eingeht ohne dies auf einem soziogesellschaftlichem Untergrund zu tun. Sprich kein Liebesdrama oder gesellschaftliche Probleme die behandelt werden, was ich sehr erfrischend finde.

0 Responses posted in December


The hardest sci-fi I've read that wasn't dry or preachy. Inexplicably creepy

0 Responses posted in January
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