Waylander, Tome 2 : Dans le royaume du Loup

Fantasy by David Gemmell


Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf, published in 1992, is a novel in the Drenai series of British fantasy writer David Gemmell. While the novels of the series are all based in the same universe, most of them can not be described as direct sequels with some consecutive installments having as much as 1000 years between them. With Waylander II, Gemmell changes this by taking up the story from his earlier novel Waylander. Some ten years have passed since the conclusion of the Vagrian Wars. Waylander the Slayer, the legendary warrior, has disappeared, but a contract has been put out on his life. A secret society of trained assassins dispatches its human hounds on his trail, and other dark forces are at work.

First Published


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