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Displaying 1-20 of 20 results.
Why october? & other questions
Ian Jeffrey
Time Magazine, October 23, 2006 (Why Barack Obama Could Be The Next President)
Editors of Time Magazine
The Hibernation Response: Why You Fell Fat, Miserable and Depressed from October Through March, and How You Can Cheer Up
Peter Whybrow
National Geographic October 2009 Vol 216 No 1 - Angkor: Why an Ancient Civilization Collapsed
Richard Stone
Bike Path Rapist: A Cop's Firsthand Account of Catching the Killer Who Terrorized a Community
Jeff Schober
Ray Bradbury Gift Set: The Halloween Tree; The October Country; Something Wicked This Way Comes
Ray Bradbury
Stalin in October: The Man Who Missed the Revolution
Robert M. Slusser
Nine masters of photography : opening exhibition 25 September - 29 October 1989 : works by eight photographers who have
author not known to readgeek yet
BY THE SWEAT OF THY BROW A Series of Sermons Broadcast by Rev Chas. E Coughlin October 1930 - February 1931
author not known to readgeek yet
Analog SF Vol 96 No.10 (October 1976) - Media Man, Shadrach in the Future, The Sapiphage, The Man Who Murdered Television, Alienation
Ben Bova
The October Heroes Great World Series Games remembered by the men who played them
Donald Honig
Way of the World: Reprinted from the Daily Telegraph, October 1955 - October 1957
Michael Wharton
The Great Chicago Fire, October 8-10, 1871, Described by Eight Men and Women Who Experienced Its Horrors and Testified t
Paul M. Angle
Smoke signals : cigarettes advertising and the American way of life : an exhibition at the Valentine Museum, Richmond, Virginia, April 5-October 9, 1990
Jane Webb Smith
"By the sweat of thy brow";: A series of sermons broadcast by Rev. Chas. E. Coughlin from the Shrine of the Little Flower, October, 1930-February, 1931
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin
Forty-first report : [the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations met in Geneva from 16 to 20 October 2006]
World Health Organization
ANALOG - Science Fiction Science Fact - Volume 109, number 10 - October Oct 1989: Sparrowhawk; The Man Who Funded the Mo
Stanley Schmidt
The inside story of the true events that inspired "the hunt for red October"-- from the Soviet naval hero who was there: Mutiny
David Hagberg,
World Series heroes and goats: The men who made history in America's October classic (Random House sports library)
Joe Gergen
Growing Fuel: The Wrong Way, The Right Way (National Geographic Magazine, Vol 212, No. 4, October 2007)
National Geographic Society
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